Investors Said No, Now What?

”Uber” Dream in Cargo Transportation

In 2015, the Ministry of Traffic and Transportation in Vietnam announced that about 70% of trucks had no cargo in their backs on their departing way, which meant that seven out of ten inter-provincial trucks had empty backs on their departing way. Consequently, to make up for income loss, carriers had to require more amount of payment than that of two-way trucks. This fact was one of the reasons why logistics costs in Vietnam accounted for 25% of GDP.

Advantages of Java Programming Language

Java is a relatively high level language. It offers several ready-to-use resources, which facilitates learning for today’s developers and focuses on the actual implementation of the business, instead of worrying about the management of the infrastructure at the system level. Few of the advantages of the Java programming language are: Platform independence: java is independent of the platform, which means that if a program is written and compiled in Java on any platform (underlying hardware and software), it can be run on any other platform of similar capabilities subject to available hardware (power…

History & Current Status of Digital Printing on Fabric

With the advancement in the field of technology, the fashion field is blooming at a rapid pace. One of the fashion technique that has seen a major change in the recent times is the printing technique. Printing of fabric has witnessed a rapid evolution and is rapidly changing path.

Insight Regarding Plastic Ban (Year 2018)

The insight of store owners doesn’t differ with each other when pertaining to plastic ban. After all, it all affects them the same way no matter what their profile is. When it regards to a business, it doesn’t matter what is the profile of the store owners. All types of people become practical once they engage in the business industry which is necessary for them to survive.

How Can Volunteering in Ethiopia Help The Nation

With its capital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is a beautiful nation in the easternmost part of Africa. It is the second most populous country in Africa and is one of the fastest growing economies.
